October 18, 2020

Daniel 7 – The Four Beasts

Passage: Daniel 7

Pentecost 19 | Sunday – October 18, 2020 – www.RedemptionCLC.com

Sermon Text: Daniel 7 (part of our sermon series on the book of Daniel)

Readings: Revelation 13:1-9

Hymns: 324 (TLH), 605 (TLH), 305(TLH), 51 (TLH)

Liturgy: find online here: https://ln2.sync.com/dl/e268afbf0/ynif9smj-fjwqdxjw-sgvd72e7-7cygabbz

Music and liturgy reprinted with permission under OneLicense # A-728019

Concordia liturgy license: # 0000140010