[iframe title="God Works Great Changes - 1 Kings 17:17-24" src="https://www.podbean.com/media/player/yq2v7-c193af?from=usersite&skin=1&share=1&fonts=Helvetica&auto=0&download=1&version=1" height="122" width="100%" style="border: none;" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player"][/iframe]
God is Light, Life, and Love [iframe title="Pacific NW Camp Devotion Re-cap " src="https://www.podbean.com/media/player/5x8gf-bc24fc?from=usersite&vjs=1&skin=1&fonts=Helvetica&auto=0&download=1" height="315" width="100%" style="border: none;" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player"][/iframe]
The Calming Influence of Jesus in the Scriptures 1. Calm from terror 2. Calm from doubt 3. Calm from joy
Theme: The DNA of a Christian Strand 1: The Life and Truth of Jesus Strand 2: Fellowship with God and Believers