What Kind of Church is Redemption?
There are so many churches in our day, sorting them all out can be quite confusing! There are also different kinds of “Lutherans” because the term means different things to different people.
What “Lutheran” originally meant – and what it still means here at Redemption – can be summed up with three basic concepts:
1. Grace Alone
As sinners, we do not deserve God’s love. Instead we deserve punishment and separation from God and His goodness, forever. But, in an unprecedented act of grace, God showered his love on undeserving sinners. God the Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to suffer the full punishment for our sins, and to die in our place. Heaven’s doors are open to us, not because of what we do for God, but because of what He has done for us through Jesus. Sinners are saved by God’s undeserved love – by grace alone.
2. Faith Alone
Jesus has suffered the full punishment for all people’s sins. But this doesn’t mean that all people will end up in heaven. The gift of salvation is free, but is received only through faith. Faith isn’t just acknowledging that God exists, or trying to follow a bunch of rules and commandments. Faith means trust. Christian faith means having a heart which trusts that God kept His promise to send a Savior, and that Savior is Jesus.
3. Scripture Alone
The only reliable way to find out what God says is through the Bible. The Bible was written by men, but authored by God. Human ideas change. Logical conclusions can be wrong. Traditions can become outdated and unprofitable. Only the testimony of the eternal and all-knowing God is completely reliable. “Scripture alone” means that the Bible stands as the foundation for our thinking in every area.

Recent Sermons
On the Road to Easter…Jesus is Betrayed by JudasPastor Jonah Albrecht, March 16, 2025
On the Road to Easter…Jesus Bore the Burden of Our GuiltPastor Jonah Albrecht, March 12, 2025
On the Road to Easter Jesus Teaches an Important Lesson on FaithPastor Jonah Albrecht, March 9, 2025
On the Road to Easter: Honored with Love and Anointed for BurialPastor Jonah Albrecht, March 5, 2025
The God of Love is the God AbovePastor Jonah Albrecht, March 2, 2025

Jonah Albrecht
Pastor Albrecht attended seminary at our CLC seminary, Immanuel, in Eau Claire, WI. He graduated from the seminary in 2023 and is serving the Dual Parish of Redemption Lutheran Church, Lynnwood and Ascension Lutheran, Tacoma.
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Family and Kid Programs
Since God’s Word places a priority on sharing the His Word from generation to generation, we make it a point to have families worship together on Sundays. We also offer annual programs for all age groups
20120 24th Ave W
Lynnwood, WA 98036